Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Glenn Beck says the Japan disasters are proof that (gulp)....

....God is mad at us.


Short on details though which is interesting for such an extravagant claim.

Actually, I think it is proof that God does not know where Glenn Beck lives.

(I have as musch proof as Beck does)


Tony Van Helsing said...

Why doesn't God just tell us why he is mad instead of sending cryptic earthquakes?

Contrary Guy said...

Not a very communicator if you ask me.

(Quickly looks around for any directed lightning bolts)

Tony Van Helsing said...

Yep, nothing says it quite like lightning.

The Big Kahuna said...

I am shocked that the WESTBORO BAPTIST CHURCH did not make that claim first.

Contrary Guy said...

Very pissed that someone has invaded their bailywick no doubt!