Wednesday, March 16, 2011

If Hans Solo can understand what Chewbacca is saying....

....why can't I talk to grizzly bears at the zoo?

Or even Yosemite!

Sorry, George Lucas, you are no Rod Daniel.*

*At least, he had Teen Wolf speak English!


Al Penwasser said...

And Luke Skywalker can understand R2-D2.

Contrary Guy said...

George was truly off his rocker.

That thing was so shiny too. No rust anywhere!

The Big Kahuna said...

No worse than Mark Wahlberg being able to talk to animals!

Contrary Guy said...

You made me spend a minute and 43 seconds on that!

The Big Kahuna said...

The Happening. 1min and 43seconds......about how long I could stand that movie! The dude was talking to plants for pete's sake!

Tony Van Helsing said...

Prince Charles talks to plants, even when they don't try to kill him