Friday, February 3, 2012

Ok, I'm at BK....

....sitting down with a "value meal" (don't remember the number, sorry)

....tables open all over the place

....I'm not even occupying any "prime real estate" in there

....and this FREAK sits down at a table across from me


What's with people?!

Just left.


Krissy said...

I'm thinking you were just involved in an experiment, or you had that "please don't sit near me" look on your face as you were enjoying your meal.

Contrary Guy said...

I think he was just a freak.

The nerve of some people!

Anthony Hughes said...

I think Krissy is on to something. I sometimes think 95% of the obviously trolling message board posts on the Internet are someone's college sociology project. See how riled up we can get people!

Contrary Guy said...

He was a freak I'm telling you! Could never have been admitted to college.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Maybe you just attract freaks. Don't read anything into my continued reading of your blog, buddy.