Wednesday, June 8, 2011

This Weiner guy!

Says he's not resigning!

What the?!

Ok, let's step back and take stock here.

1. Sexting partners are now talking.

2. Mortal enemy conservative blogger says he has a nude pic. Public blackmail going on.

3. A definitely "non-sexy" body part photo allegedly of ummm Weiner is now out there.

4. Democratic Congressmen demanding his resignation.

5. Possibility of a House criminal investigation.

6. Wife is pregnant.

7. His last name is "Weiner".

While 1 through 6 there are certainly formidable problems, we just can't overlook the fact that HIS LAST NAME IS WEINER!

So he's done.

Hey, he could've changed that name at age 18, you know!

I mean, look, I know a guy named Mike Hunt but he NEVER EVER called a grocery store asking for a female employee to page him over the loudspeaker. He behaves himself; you know in spite of his name.


DB Stewart said...

I know a guy named Harold Dick.

Contrary Guy said...

What are these parents thinking?

Bill Lisleman said...

Drop your delusion not your pants.

Contrary Guy said...

Loved that Guns N Roses CD!