Tuesday, August 3, 2010

So Lebron James takes a full page ad out in the paper thanking Akron but no mention of Cleveland?!


This is just getting worse and worse!

Who is his advisor? Lindsay Lohan?

They are going to need to call out the Ohio National Guard his first game back.

And their performance at Kent State is not reassuring either!

Is he going to poison their water supply next or what?


The Big Kahuna said...

Nope....you watch....Cleveland will be in the NBA Finals next year while Miami sits out. I'd laugh my balls off if that would happen. However this whole Lebron thing reminds of him being Ike Turner and Cleveland being Tina!

Contrary Guy said...

That is a pretty neat analogy. I wish I had thought of it.

Obviously Ike and Tina never reconciled.