Sunday, August 15, 2010

Facebook postings from long ago

Mary Todd has been harassing me about "going out" so we will take in a play at Ford's Theater. I am SO tired of my Security Detail. I am a man; not a caged animal! Our armies are fighting for freedom but I have none! Ditching them tonight!


The Big Kahuna said...

" I have a lot on my mind tonight. I should probably bite the bullet and get my taxes done as soon as possible. Especially since Mary's mother is coming to stay at the White House and I can't really stand her at all. She makes me want to put a bullet to my head with all that whining and bitching she does. She's just so mind blowing!"

A. Lincoln

Contrary Guy said...

Love that double entrendre at the end.

Intended or unintended.

The Big Kahuna said...

unintended actually.