Saturday, December 24, 2011

Breaking glasses is not that hard!


As a teenager, I worked in a restaurant; you know to earn some know to buy the things that I bought back then. I take "the fifth" after that.

Well anyway, here's a tip. If you are in a restaurant and one of the staff drops and breaks one, or more than one glass, don't clap! Cheering is even worse.


I remember when the glass salesman would come in once a month and say to the owner "Well how many glasses did you break this month?" and the owner would say like "fifteen" or something. Then the salesman would shake his head like "What clumsy employees!" and then he would write up an order for like fifteen glasses.

I would be like "HEY F****R, THEY"RE GLASS! YOU SOLD US GLASS STUFF!" But I never said it.

Did you know that the glass companies can make a "glass" cup that is unbreakable?

You know why they don't right?


Nameless Cynic said...

Did you know that the glass companies can make a "glass" cup that is unbreakable?

Hmm... you mean, aside from the weight and the cost?

Yeah, not a lot of restaurant/bar owners want to pay $6 for every mug. In the long run, it's cheaper to restock the cheap glass items (and I remember somebody explaining the tax writeoff for replacement of inventory outside of standard wear-and-tear, but can't find a source for it).

Oh, there's also this, incidentally. Not quite the same thing, but cool nonetheless.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's a racket! Call the cops!