Saturday, August 13, 2011

You know, Canadians never threaten to move to America when they get pissed at their government

I'm rather impressed.

Of course, we don't have hockey here on network tv so it is not a realistic possibility anyway.

Still pretty cool that they don't make those empty threats that we hear over here.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's because we always elect more or less middle-of-the-road governments. We never get all THAT pissed off at them.

Captain Canuck said...

that and your beer is pretty much water.

Drone said...

2 things:

The beer thing is a myth as one is measured by weight and the other by volume. Once converted both contain the same amount of alcohol.

2) I moved from Canada to America not to get away from my government but to get away from my heinous family.