Some say just babbling
If that's true then one of my greatest fears is being in your audience.
Well yeah right. I mean who would want to be an "ancient person". I mean you would be always watching your step. Plumbing can't come quick enough!
Never mind explaining science, just go back with a Space Invaders arcade machine and a Glock and make them worship you as a god.
Yeah, but ummmm.....electricity for the Space Invaders machine? No outlets there, you know!
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If that's true then one of my greatest fears is being in your audience.
Well yeah right. I mean who would want to be an "ancient person". I mean you would be always watching your step. Plumbing can't come quick enough!
Never mind explaining science, just go back with a Space Invaders arcade machine and a Glock and make them worship you as a god.
Yeah, but ummmm.....electricity for the Space Invaders machine? No outlets there, you know!
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