Monday, August 22, 2011

How do you clean one of these?

And wouldn't you have to do it like you know.....daily?



Debra She Who Seeks said...

It must be a veritable pit of contagion.

Contrary Guy said...

One kid with a runny nose and it's all over!

Munk said...

The guests are expected to clean the ball pit with their tongues. I've seen it more than once, I know.

Contrary Guy said...


Pearson Report said...

I've seen the tongue thing too. bet there is...
Vomit full of cheezwhiz.

Told yah...I know these things...I had a rug rat too, once, long ago in the dark ages but not quite before these fungus balls were around - so I know.
Scarred my kid for life because she wasn't allowed in to play with dirty balls!
Bad environment, precursor to weird predilections for dirty balls if you ask me.

Happy Thoughts,

Contrary Guy said...


Deliberate or not, your post has tons of double entrendres in it.

Definitely approve!


Pearson Report said...

The lengths I'll go to to get approval, eh!

Heads up here comes a dirty ball!

Cheers, Jenny