Saturday, July 9, 2011

I think it's about time that Nancy Grace and Casey Anthony bury the hatchet....

and go out and have a few (molotov) cocktails.


Eyes of the furture said...

her face is so creepy. good God

Pearson Report said...

I agree, they really should do a follow up drink.

Nancy at least owes sweet, loveable, super-sad Casey a drink (she does look so sad, doesn't she)

And if it wasn't for sweet, loveable, supper-sad Casey's uber tragic situation the ever-charming and super-sincere Nancy wouldn't have had a show - not that we can call what she has a show, but I'm trying to play nice (am I succeeding)!

In fact, to show my sincerity, I would even spring for those, how do you call them...burn in that right?...cocktails!

Yes, I think I could see my way past the gasoline can and matches to doing something nice for these to "curb-appeal" charmers.

Too much you think?

Contrary Guy said...

Not necessarily too much.

A Mad Max "Thunderdome" cage match might work too.

"Two (wo)men enter, one (wo)man leaves"