Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I guess I would wish a Happy Anniversary to the Lunar Landing".....

....if it like REALLY HAPPENED!

That rock they "brought back"?

Loretta Lynn's father saw a NASA guy take that out of a coal mine in Kentucky and shine it up "real good" and then take it away. Same contours and everything! They know the spot where it was.

Did you know that Buzz Aldrin was seen eating in a restaurant that night called Peco's Szechuan Grille in Sudbury, Ontario? The waitress said he ordered General Pao's chicken, light on the curry. Even requested no MSG.

I could go on and on.


Rick Henry said...

Only problem with your post is it's all lies.

You must be a fan of Rupert Murdoch's fox news.

Contrary Guy said...

I am very comforted to know that I (and a couple hundred others) know the REAL TRUTH.

Angie said...

Stop!!! Next you're gonna tell me that the Wizard of Oz was all a dream. . .

Contrary Guy said...

Those flying monkees gave me nightmares as a child.

Dead serious!

My kids laugh when I tell them that. A definite chink in the armour.

Mark Aubrey said...

I forgot about this card that Topps put out a few years back.

Contrary Guy said...

Too bad commenter "Karen" was so misinformed.