Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"God never gives us more than we can handle"

Only spoken by people who don't have anything going on!

I don't know people like this!

Well I do but.........well let's not go there.


Average Girl said...

You're a funny guy... broke right out laughing over the lawyer post (since I work for lawyers!)

Contrary Guy said...


Mark Aubrey said...

Tracy, he's not really that funny. He just posts so many entries each day you think that he's funny. Trust me. I've been following him for years now.

Okay, he is funny. I can't lie.

Word Verification: brimstone

Contrary Guy said...

Hey "quantity" is not a dirty word you know!

And Art Paul Schlosser has a lot of material too!

Spiff said...

Wish my wife and I had read this before we both said it when our newborn daughter was in the NICU with blue spells. Didn't know we weren't supposed to say it when things were going on...

Contrary Guy said...


I hope everything works out for you, your wife and daughter.

I am a father as well and have also had an infant in the ER (though not ICU) when I was not quite sure they were "going to make it."

While admittedly "rough around the edges" here, nothing is intended to offend any reader.
