Sunday, March 20, 2011

Odyssey Dawn?!

Oh come on now!

Odyssey Dawn?!

And they say Gaddafi is nuts?!

Ever take a marketing class?

Well I haven't but could definitely do better than that.

What about "Let's make things better"?

Or "Peace Zero"?

What a wasted opportunity!


Al Penwasser said...

How'd you like to have the job in the Pentagon where it's your job to come up exercise/operations names?
When I was in the Navy, I had a job where I was tasked to come up with names for such things. They usually had double meanings.
Like "Dark Invader," "Invasive Probe," or "Ivory Lance."
It was fun. Even more so if we never got caught.
Another fun job was to come up with call signs for aircraft. I still can't believe we ever got away with "FU69." And who could forget R8J (pronounced "Romeo Eight Juliet") or M8R (I think you could figure that one out.
Good times.

Contrary Guy said...

These new guys obviously did not inherit your deviousness.

That said, "Odyssey Dawn" has a "committee" feel to it so the blame should probably be spread around.