Monday, March 7, 2011

Hey people in the area!

Pretty bad job driving today!

Hope you weren't going to work with that level of incompetence.

No snow on the roads so you did it on clear roads too!

D- (Only because I am grading on a curve or else it would have been an F)


Krissy said...

Wouldn't that be a curve that goes down and not up though? Just sayin'...

Contrary Guy said...

Hmmm. You know the "curve" thing honestly always threw me for a loop.

I can rememeber tests where everybody did poorly and we would ask the teacher if she was grading on a curve so that our (my) pathetic 48% could somehow sneak into D- territory. Whether there was any logic to that thinking, I don't know.

Al Penwasser said...

Was that you?

Contrary Guy said...

Very calm on the road ever since.....

Tony Van Helsing said...

You lot all drive on the wrong side of the road anyway.

Contrary Guy said...

But we have our steering wheels on the right side. (Um "right" meaning the left side)