Sunday, March 6, 2011

Celebrity Apprentice

Stream of consciousness thoughts:

1. David Cassidy and Bruce Jenner should file a class-action suit against that plastic surgeon guy.

2. Was wrong when I thought I saw a Dionne Warwick obituary a while back.

3. Gary Busey has lopsided hair and doesn't use both eyes at the same time. Looney-tunes too.

4. Does there always have to be a cowboy?

5. Some lady off the street started weeping when she saw Meatloaf and told him he was her inspiration which prompted her to get into music. Crazier than Busey.

6. Richard Hatch keeps denying that he physically pushed David Cassidy twice even though it is on tape. Borderline pathological.

7. I know a lady who is a pretty close dead-ringer for Ivanka Trump but can't get a date to save her life. You guessed it. Personality problems. The laugh is also comically bad and doesn't help things either. (You wouldn't want to hear it.)

8. Star Jones has apparently never seen this show before as she chastised some actress I never heard of before for talking behind her back. Helloooo! Without that, there really is no show! It's like going on The Bachelor and complaining that it's a meat-market.

End of stream.

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