Thursday, February 24, 2011

How did they make all the highways connect?

What were the odds?


Angie said...

Yeah. . . reminds me of those Hot Wheels racing systems. I could NEVER get them connected well enough to make the cars run smoothly.

On an Easy Bake oven? I rocked.

Contrary Guy said...

Hear ya on the Hot Wheels problem. Even though the track parts would "bend", it still didn't help much.

Considering your present master culinary skills (have not sampled but have heard from multiple sources here and on facebook), I can see how the Easy Bake oven would have been a breeze for you.

(Louis has been sick in bed for a few days so hasn't had a chance to see and respond to your comments on his site)

Angie said...

Oh. . . I'm so sorry to hear about Louis. Tell him that we hope he's feeling better real soon.

Mark told me about L's HIGH compliment -- calling Mark and me "REAL" bloggers. That just made my day. You've got great kids. . . but then, you knew that!

And yeah, it takes having great kids to know having great kids. Or something like that. . . ;)