Thursday, February 24, 2011

Don't say the greatest moment of your life was the birth of your kids!

Remember all the blood?


Krissy said...

They say that's the closest a woman comes to dying before actually dying, ya know? Wasn't that another pleasant thought to add to such a warm and comforting post? :)

Contrary Guy said...

That is ironic.

I am a father of two boys.

Without being too descriptive, with one their was copious quantities of blood and with the other very little.

On the first, I honestly wanted to say "I just want to confirm that we are not in a life-threatening situation"; but as none of the medical professionals seemed particularly alarmed, I just kept quiet.

Al Penwasser said...

The greatest moment of my life was when my mother gave birth to her first child (I'm the oldest).

Contrary Guy said...

Al, you peaked very early.

Angie said...

This made me laugh - yes, out loud. But, I'm not sure that you'll get Mark to comment on this one. Let's just say he's never been a "fan" of hospitals -- he's gotten better over the years.

But, when both kids were born, he was (literally) across town. First time, it was hanging out with my sister. 2nd time, he was babysitting Edison.

Many scoffed....for us, it worked. (something about me not wanting to share the spotlight with a freshly-fainted husband).

Contrary Guy said...

No kidding.

Whatever works.

I did not find those experiences to be life-changing but was glad to be there.

Would never judge another who did it differently.

Angie said...

Cool thing is. . . since Caroline "bounded" into our lives, Mark has had to experience life in the "linoleum jungle" that is a hospital ICU. Still not sure that he would've "enjoyed" the birthing experience. But, it's been really cool seeing how he's gotten more comfortable with things.

. . . he's still not a fan of surgery. But then, who is????