Sunday, January 16, 2011

When you have a family and all, sports just is not all that important and....



Al Penwasser said...

I think they really didn't take the Jets seriously. That's not to say they laid (or is that lied? No matter...) down. It's just that they were so full of themselves that they really didn't play with fire (e.g., fake punt, a drive in the 4th quarter that chewed up a LOT of time-for naught). By the time they realized, "Hey, we could really lose this thing" it was too late. Gotta hand it to the Jets. Despite their fat, obnoxious blowhard of a coach, they backed up their trash talk.
Hope the Steelers send them back to Jersey.

Contrary Guy said...

Can't agree or disagree with you as I just don't know football* and didn't watch the game. I do know of the 45-3 regular season result and assumed this game would follow suit especially with it being played in New England.

*Many of us in Detroit don't really know football as we haven't had pro football here in 50 years so by necessity we have found alternative things to do on Sundays. (Said not completely tongue-in-cheek)

Al Penwasser said...

I watched the game and it really looked like the Pats were just going through the motions. Then, "uh oh."
Personally, I'm a baseball fan and can't wait until spring training (although I'm a Yankees fan-please don't hold that against me). Hot Stove League just whets my appetite.
OK, baseball question I should know, but I don't. Did Johnny Damon let his contract with the Tigers expire? Or is he just milling about like Bernie Williams did with the Yankees a few years ago (the guy never officially retired)? I'd really like to go see the Tigers play (and would have last summer if my son didn't have to work the day after we saw the Indians get beat by the Athletics).
GOOD ONE about football (?) in Detroit.

Contrary Guy said...

Damon was on a one year contract with the Tigers and they chose not to resign him. I see he is trying to get signed by somebody so far without success. He can probably still start for a poor team but after a year or two, it is going to be "pinch-hitting" time for him.

I sincerely like all baseball fans regardless of who they root for. Just love the game.

Al Penwasser said...

I know there was some talk about the Yankees resigning Damon. I can maybe see him in a role as a DH, but his days as an outfielder are over. He just isn't a threat out there and all the Yankees need is another aging ballplayer as a designated hitter (that's what they have Posada for). Besides, if all they wanted was someone who could hit in place of the pitcher, they should go after Matsui (I'm not saying they should do that, though).
Don't get my wrong. I like Damon. But, I wouldn't want my grandfather (or me, for that matter) on my team.
Hey, wait a minute....this isn't your baseball blog. Sorry....

Contrary Guy said...

No problem.

Anything goes (within reason).