Friday, December 17, 2010

I am going to hazard a guess....

....that there won't be too many people sitting together at this movie.

Beats eating in a restaurant alone though.


Angie said...

I have a feeling the hobbit-looking guy Edison and I saw (and smelled) at Burger King today will probably be one of those delighting in this movie.

. . .and for the record, he was alone at Burger King. Coincidence? :)

I have a low tolerance for body odor. If you can afford a whopper, you can afford a bar of Ivory.

Just sayin. . . .

Contrary Guy said...

Gotcha. My brother is a book and comic book dealer so I know the type. I know it is wrong to generalize or stereotype but it is just too easy here.

You know, I got "you know","just sayin'", and the four period thing copyrighted, right?

Had you put an apostrophe at the end of "just sayin", I would have sent a bill. I am going to let the four period thing go. (this time)

(Don't even think about using "my .02" for "my two cents". Copyright # 78PX65T8R56W45)

Angie said...

Just so long as you don't try to copyright {{{hugs}}} (cringes)

Angie said...

. . . and I mean no offense to anyone of that genre. But, the aroma in BK alone can be daunting. This guy took it to a whole new level. Glad he got his meal "to go."

Brutal honesty here.

Contrary Guy said...

No problem.

Some BK's are rough though I hear they are going doing a nationwide remodeling of many.

I finished my Christmas shopping the other night and stopped in a McDonald's just to get a soda and relax. It had a "fireplace", sofas and CNN on the big sreeen. Those have come a long way. That said, one hygienically- challenged person could ruin the whole thing.

Contrary Guy said...


Fractured grammar above. Proceed with caution.

Angie said...

I have yet to experience such a McDonald's. Maybe they only exist in the north. Sigh. Hard to say what might happen with open fire and some of my "neighbors" at McDonalds.

Again, just sayin' . . .

Oh no, she did-nt!