Sunday, February 5, 2012

Has anybody ever seen a new McDonald's under construction?

Me neither!

They just seem to pop up!

I thought I would "investigate" this so I went to the Building Department of our City Hall and asked to see the building permit for the McDonald's near our house.

This guy at the Building Department was a little taken back by this and said, "Well it's been there forever dont'cha know?"

I said "Yeah but I would still like to see the building permit."

He said, "Why do you want to see it?"

I said, "What does it matter? It's a public document and I am a citizen and I would like to see it."

He then got really flustered and said he would have to take this to his supervisor "since it's McDonald's".

He never came back.

Then somebody pulled the fire alarm and the building had to be evacuated.

I went back the next day.

The same guy was at the window and when he saw me coming, he quickly closed the window which had a sign on it which said "Out for lunch". It was 9:22 AM.

I looked past the sign and saw the guy frantically dialing a telephone. It was rotary too.

Then I left. While walking to my car, I looked up and saw a guy wearing military gear on the roof of the building looking at me. I gave him the peace sign but he did not respond.

I don't think I was followed home but I'm not sure.

I think I am going to cool it with this "investigation". I've got a family, you know.

That said, if there are any enterprising journalists out there, I would gladly share all my notes on this.

Let me know.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Don't piss off Rotten Ronnie. That big clown smile hides a killer's heart.

Contrary Guy said...

Made me google it!

DB Stewart said...

Whoa. You're onto something here I think.